I’m supposed to say something witty up here. Then we dive in to all the stories we missed this week! And look – a puppy!
More Doctors Should Be Talking About DV
76% of women have never been asked about domestic violence by a doctor. (Spoiler alert: more than 34% of women will survive domestic abuse.)
The Next Steve Jobs is Currently a 12-Year-Old Girl
Paloma Noyola Bueno is “the face of Mexico’s unleashed potential.”
In the Eyes of the Law
+ Leaders of the Maasai tribe are seeking royalties for pens named after them in the “Indigenous People’s Line” of the Italian pen-making company Delta. In other news, some people buy pens named after native tribes.
+ Native American tribes in Oklahoma are coming together to treat LGBT folks like average everyday humans, which is in and of itself an act of protest against the state. Telling.
+ Gender-neutral bathrooms are Philly’s first task as “the most LGBT friendly city in the nation.” (It’s on the rise. Or something.)
+ Varying perceptions of gender are partially responsible for the varying treatment of trans* folks in different environments and situations.
In the controversies we examined, it is access to bathrooms, locker rooms, and sports teams at the center of gender panics. Moreover, not all sex-segregated spaces are policed equally. Because of beliefs that women are inherently vulnerable, particularly to unwanted heterosexual advances, it is women’s spaces at the center of these debates. Thus, with these controversies, much of the discussion is about a fear of ‘male’ bodies in ‘women’s’ spaces.
All The Women Who Are Independent(ly Involved in Engineering) Throw Your Hands Up At Me
Trying to count female engineers might be the first step toward making sure more of them are to come.
F*ck the Police
Feministing has video of police targeting trans* folks with violence, but in Baltimore officials still think the problem is that LGBT folks need “guidance” on interacting with cops.
Pop Culture Roundup: Sally Kohn Overcomes, Eminem Still Sucks
+ Sally Kohn has left FOX for their liberal nemesis, MSNBC.
+ The Atlantic has warm fuzzies about bisexuality’s latest on TV.
+ …and Slate has the audacity to ask “BUT WHAT ABOUT THE MEN?!1” about the same screen.
+ Women internalize rape myths through sexualizing and dehumanizing video games. It’s science.
+ Eminem still sucks, and ain’t nobody got time for that.
“Granted, it’s not directed towards the gay community, but subconsciously it is. He’s using the word f-ggot to degrade another man. As if the worst thing a man can be is gay. What type of message does that embed into the minds of young kids, both gay and straight?”
Soloman’s SolRay Records labelmate LastO, who is also openly gay, added: “He’s a lil’ too old to be using gay and f-g and sh– as an insult; playground s—.”
Misandry Crafts
Some days you hate men so much you need a cross-stitch just to say it right. And trust me – there’s an Etsy shop for that.

(via HelloMountain)
And because ladies, even the most riotous of ladies—after all, this generation’s interest in crafts started under the Riot Grrrl movement, where girls first embroidered “feminist” on pillows and formed knitting groups called “Stitch ’n Bitch”—like being girlish and tough, the misandry message has evolved in the form of arts and crafts. Check Etsy for the word misandry and you’ll find super-cute pom-pom knit hats with “misandry” emblazoned between rows of hearts. You’ll also find lavender and white heart-shaped misandry hair barrettes, a plastic misandry necklace and a misandry-adorned heart-shaped felt brooch with beads.
That’s not all. There’s artwork too, like this vintage photo of a woman gazing somewhere into the distance (maybe into the future of women’s suffrage?), encased in a sepia pink-hued heart.
Men who love to blame feminists for the end of men will, I’m sure, troll these Etsy sites until the end of time, whining along as they click, “Told ya so.” It’s one of the reasons misandry crafts are possibly a response to this sentiment: You think we hate you so much? Okay, you’re right. We’re wearing it on our sleeve now. Or around our neck. Or on our heads. Or as a pin.
You Should Go: Mix NYC
Let the gay reign over your eyeballs at the upcoming MIX NYC “Queer Experimental Film Festival.”
Cat Writing: It’s A Career
The 20th annual Cat Writer’s Conference starts on Halloween. It’s real. Like, really. Like, quit your job right now.
We’ve been counting female engineers for a while here in Canada (I think it’s easier to do here because we all have to register to a professional engineering association in order to work as engineers in this country, unlike the states).
It still hasn’t helped us much. The number of female engineers has dropped back down after peaking a few years ago.
Also, not to pick at the jezebel article, but it should clarify that they are talking about software engineers. There are many different kinds of engineering, and they all have different female participation rates: biomedical, chemical, and environmental engineering are high, software and mechanical engineering are low (like less than 10% in many areas).
I was reading the article and noticed the same thing about the type of engineers. There’s a difference across the disciplines.
imagine rachel maddow and sally kohn (and ana marie cox, why not) all on screen together.. i hope it’s in the works msnbc
Did you know that Laurel Westbrook, one of the authors of that study on transmisogyny, is writing a book about how trans activism is the reason why trans people as a group are “constructed” as “universally hated and at constant risk for horrific violence” – since, you know, before a somewhat established / visible trans rights movement, trans people always felt very safe. It’s all a radical critique of identity politics inspired by Foucault or something.
That article about Paloma is amazing. Alternate teaching methods open so many doors, yet people are too barred from making the necessary changes. Unlocking that girl’s potential is priceless, and hopefully she continues to be fed and continues to succeed.
One of the very few cool things my dad does each year is a summer camp thingy for girls wanting to go into engineering and/or computer science.
I’d hold off on the videogames judgement. I read that article on Buzzfeed a week ago or so. That was one super preliminary study- none of the results have been replicated in other labs and there hasn’t been any back up/continuing research.
I’m honestly not convinced by the article that this is a videogame specific issue, instead of a media specific issue. I’m pretty sure they didn’t compare the effect the videogame had vs. other forms of media (books, movies etc).
Yes I am a gamer, but as an engineer/scientist I caution against taking early research like this as absolute truth. Let’s wait for further results.
Though yes, I would love better presentation of women in all forms of media.