This week we learn that Caroline has been holding out. She has a collection of expensive rings. Not only that, she’s never heard of this thing called the internet that helps you sell things. Sometimes you even get a decent price. It’s a strange concept and a terrible idea compared to a bathroom sale or cash for gold. Is it Christmas yet? I’m hungry.
The “young people please relate to this show” joke
Oleg: Maybe I’ll send you a twit pic of my meatloaf.
The dark joke
Max: The thing is, he used to hit her.
Caroline: Max! He did not.
Max: Caroline, it’s not your fault.
Donna: That’s awful. I understand why you wouldn’t want this ring. I’m sure there’s something I can do. It’s not our fault…I mean…your fault.
The edgy joke
Caroline: Let me see. Which ring should I sell? So much history in my lap.
Max: I don’t even want to tell you about the history in my lap.
The non-PC joke
Oleg: I was working here when you were still a dumpling on your father’s chopstick.
The “is that racist?” joke
Max: When I was a little girl I was trying to make a Hungry Man dinner and I lit the pilot light too soon and whoosh! No eyebrows. I had to draw them on in Magic Marker. Only Mexican girls would talk to me.
The vagina joke
Max: There’s only one tool that can change my ‘tude but I’m gonna need two double A batteries and a 20 minute break.
The joke that leads to a lot of questions
Max: Look Jeffrey. I know we just met but there’s no way you’re a top.
What does Max know about tops? Do straights know this terminology? Is Max a top? Was that joke also an insult? Did she just bottom diss? Is bottom dissing a thing?
I guess rape jokes have been replaced with domestic violence jokes. We all know how hilarious abuse is. There was a lot of talk about long hauls and commitment and being together forever. There was even a meaningful hug. Supes gay ep. Maybe if they were actually gay, they would be more resourceful. We’re a resourceful people.
I’ve never heard my straight friends use the word top in that sense. I just asked my mom (who unfortunately scarred me or life with her inability to comprehend boundaries in the discussions of sex) if she knew what “a top” meant and she did but it could be because she sells sex toys and does a lot of parties for all sorts of people… wow this just got uncool realizing my mom is cooler than me…
You only nonchalantly talk about tops/use the term if you’re someone who works in sexual health or are *ahem* a little queer around the ears. Meaning my straight friends (who hang around a lot of gays) have never used the words ‘top’ or ‘bottom’ comfortably and the one or two times anyone has tried have looked like they had just used a word they weren’t supposed to and were going to get in trouble. My friends who have experimented with the same sex for a decent amount of time to learn the lingo however, are pretty comfortable with the terminology.
Thus I think Max has been a little curious at least one point in her life. And I support the shit out of that.
I think it’s canon that Max has “dabbled” before. In one of the previous episodes she includes “girls” as things she uses to get over someone else.
That said, these two are so engaged. The oven was a token of promise for their long haul futures together, last I heard, those were called engagement rings.
they buy/build furniture for each other in almost every episode it’s like an unrealised declaration of their obvi super gay love for one another
I want those two to be gay, as much as I want Marceline and Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time to be gay too.
is it bad that i laugh at all the jokes and think they are totally okay and super duper funny?
PS: that Mexican joke was really funny.
i laugh at most of them, even the ones that other as readers find offensive. don’t feel bad
not feeling bad ;)
i laugh at the offensive jokes when they’re actually funny, but i’m notorious for enjoying things other people find might find offensive. one of my favorite things to exclaim when something crazy happens is “jesus tittyfucking christ!”, so maybe i’m not the best person to have on your side, haha.
i keep looking for the pic with Max showing her black lingerie! i’m the only one?
Ps. i never thought i would say this but she can top me whenever she wants haha