Get Yours: It’s a Brand New Style of Autostraddle T-Shirt!

We’ve already rolled out calendars, some extra-special posters and our last printing of “Autostraddle This” t-shirts and now it’s time for our final merchandise debut of the holiday season:

The Autostraddle A-Game T-Shirt – $25

kelsey san francisco

We are super excited about this t-shirt in a major way. Less sexually suggestive, perhaps, than the “Autostraddle This” t-shirt, the Autostraddle A-Game T-shirt is a 100% cotton heather grey American Apparel V-Neck t-shirt with a distressed Autostraddle “A” logo on your chest:

These are unisex sizes, so err on the side of smaller, but also they shrink in the first wash.

We guarantee we will get this shit to you before the holidays. Also if you order any merch today or tomorrow, you have our promise that it’ll be in the mail by Saturday the 10th at the latest!

So get yours RIGHT NOW!

All profits benefit the ongoing existence of Autostraddle, which is a lesbian-owned independent business that needs your support!

Oh yes, and if you wanna cut up your shirt, you can find out how to do that right here.


Also in the store:

2012 Autostraddle Calendar

“Autostraddle This” T-Shirts (M, L, XL, 2XL)

Unicorn Plan-It T-Shirts

“You Do You” Posters

Lesbian Sex Flowchart Poster

“You Do You” Stickers

Go get one before they sell out!

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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auto has written 766 articles for us.


  1. I’m going to pick one up, even at the risk of people thinking I’m REALLY into Airwalks. That’s how much I back you guys.

    • haha… well, tons of people were requesting that we make a shirt that isn’t sexually suggestive as apparently “autostraddle this” is, so we did! it is fucking rad, I CONCUR

  2. Thank you! I couldn’t be more excited about a V-neck!

    Side note: It needs to be mentioned somewhere in fine print that Kelsey is NOT included…

  3. I think my measuring tape is lying to me. I totally wear a M in American Apparel V-necks. God damnit Thanksgiving.

    • I know this is supposed to be a staff thing but can I please nominate this for a comment award?!?!?!

  4. I’m not a big shirt wearer, but I am so totally buying one to wear for work. It’s just crying out to be paired with dirty rigging jeans and sturdy boots.

  5. i put one on yesterday to see how it fit and then i kept it on and now i am wearing it again, that’s just how much i like it.

    • when i got my first autostraddle shirt i didn’t take it off for 4 days. it didn’t even smell. true story. that’s how magical these shirts are.

      • Same! I wore it to a party, had great fun demonstrating the meaning of ‘straddle’ to my non-english-speaking friend, wore it to bed coz I was too drunk to change, wore it the entirety of the next day coz I was too hungover to change, threw a jacket on and wore it to visit my grandmother (who asked me what sport ‘The Autos’ played), fell asleep on her couch still wearing it, then asked it to marry me as soon as I woke up. I’m still waiting on an answer, but GOSH DARN these shirts are comfy.

  6. I want this shirt! I think I will order one right now even though I’m super broke. Autostraddle deserves my money!

        • For some reason “penoir elargments” alsmost sound elegant. As if it has something to do with expensive silk bath robes, or something.

  7. aaargh, autostraddle you finally have a style of shirt i can wear and you sell out of my size immediately! I JUST WANT TO GIVE YOU MONEY AND WEAR THINGS THAT PROFESS MY LOVE FOR YOU.

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