’s Five Stories series recruits 300-500 words of “hilarious/heartbreaking specifics” on different topics each run — right now they’re accepting submissions for”Falling in Love For Your Best Friend.” And today published their 5 Stories on Same-Sex Experimentation.
Ever since I met Leni at Jewish summer camp, where I fit in and she was way too cool, I’ve been half-obsessed, half-terrified; I wish she were a boy so that my feelings would make sense. I’m fifteen and humid with lust and yet I wear my brother’s huge t-shirts to obscure my boobs, which burst out of my chest one day like guests who take over a party and won’t leave. Leni’s boobs are just small enough that she doesn’t have to wear a bra, i.e., perfect, as I note ruefully when she lifts her shirt to show me her nipple piercings.
Other True Stories you might like: our very own L.M. Fleming wrote The End of an Era: the hookup that taught me I was a lesbian. Also: 15 Stories About Dating Potheads and Blogs Ruined My Sex Life and By Any Other Name: How My GLBT Students Taught Me To Love a Forbidden Word and Sarah Silverman Loses Her Virginity and Mad Men‘s Alison Brie shares an especially experimental moment of college experimentation in “Homosexual Schmomosexual.” isn’t the only generally-hetero website with a “true stories” sex series that sometimes features girl-on-girl culture. In fact, New York Magazine has featured actual lesbians telling actual stories about their sex lives before: The Lesbian Writer Dealing With a Commuting Girlfriend and The Newly Shacked-Up Lesbian Testing Out The Strap-On or The Lesbian Music Producer In An Often Sex-Free Relationship.
I’m sorry, what was this article about? You put a picture of Diana Agron, Lea Michele, and Naya Rivera next to it, so I’ve temporarily forgotten how to read or think.
I don’t even know how you could type. It took me half an hour to recover just to write this…
where’s brittany?
jk. but seriously thanks riese. i look forward to avoiding work and reading these instead.
i actually identify as “homosexual schmomosexual,” how did she know
I suddenly got super nervous when I read “Ever since I met Leni at Jewish summer camp,” but then I kept reading and sighed, because my nips have never been pierced and I was wearing a D cup at 14, so nobody else will make that mistake either (hopefully?). Thanks for the boob-identification. Oy, I just about had a heart attack.
… not that I’m closeted… I just really, really don’t look good in my queer summer camp relationship history, and would rather the entirety of the internet didn’t get the low-down.
This comment is amazing.
I splorfled.
Very topical for me right now, my best (straight identifying, never even kissed a girl) friend has recently told me she likes me more than a friend. I rejected her at first as she had always been in my subconscious friends box and I had never thought of her like that (except maybe when we first met, she reads as pretty gay). I felt really bad cause obviously it’s super hard to tell someone you like them, but also she was probably stressed out even more that it was a person of the same sex and the confusion that can sometimes surround that.
But as the week moved on (I work with her so we were trying to not make it too awkward!) I started to develop stronger feelings for her and then we got it on and whoosh I’m now in that intense omg I can’t stop thinking/talking about her/wanting to see her every second phase. It’s pretty amazing (and so is she!)
So it’s her first time with a lady and it’s so cute to see everything through her eyes.
(I realise what I’m doing by commenting here is finding another way to talk about her…i have it pretty bad i think!)
do you know how many of us are pining over straight girls and then you come in and rub your swag in our face? OUT! GET OUT!
but seriously, congrats. XD
you’re killin’ me, Smalls, you’re killin’ me.
“I learned that pretty much anyone would have sex with me. This at first I thought was because I was “so talented” or “so creative.” Later, of course, I realized I was just easy. So I capitalized on it.”
i can….i mean…i know people who can relate to this.