NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday is Naked

Being naked is fun! You know what is also fun? A gallery of ladies lacking clothing! Let’s use the word lesbian right here for lovely alliteration!


Also lots of naked things happened recently:

+ Being naked and in Australia and embarrassed: Prison Island’s new PSAs against teen sexting relies entirely on convincing teen girls that they’ll be ashamed for sending someone “intimate” pictures of themselves. Because of course society’s totally innate values of guys being cads and girls being gossips are A-okay.”

+ Being naked and buying domain names: The .xxx domain name ending is now for sale, and seems a lot like an excuse to make people pay to have (or not have) YourName/Company.xxx. Also you need to read these comments, they range from insightful to hilarious.

+ Being naked and (not) in the Ottawa Sun: “A topless woman’s protest at the Ottawa Sun Wednesday afternoon had a few drivers along Hunt Club Rd. gaping and gawking. The reason for her topless parade through the Sun’s Antares Dr. parking lot, and out along Hunt Club Rd. West, was to protest to photo policy of the Ottawa Sun. The paper’s policy is to cover the nipples of topless women appearing in photos.”

via pinktacolovers.tumblr.com

+ Being naked and in San Francisco: “Concerned about public health and sanitation, Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced legislation Tuesday to require nudists to put something under their backsides – how ’bout a towel? – if they take a seat in public. He also wants to make them cover up when they’re in a restaurant.”

+ Being naked and reading: “I know a lot of women who’ve said, “It’s great that in New York the law says you can go topless anywhere a man can, and I’d love to try it sometime, but I don’t have the guts to do it by myself.” Finally a bunch of us decided to try doing it together: Just pick a day with nice weather, go to a park, lay out a towel, and do it. But we figured if we were just lying there people would come up and bother us, so we thought, What if we brought books and were reading? People would be less likely to bother us then, and we’d have an excuse to ignore them if they did. Then the question was, What sort of book would go well with a bold topless outing? And the Outdoor Co-Ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society was born.”

via mykeenknife.tumblr.com

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

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  1. And viola….new chapters of the outdoor co-ed topless pulp appreciation society spring up all over the country.

    *I hope someone else read some of the xxx domain comments or Imma gonna get a lot of corrections.

  2. *fans self* Well, THAT is quite a photo gallery! And I thought last week’s couldn’t be topped!

    Also, how did I not know public nudity was a thing in San Francisco? I mean, I knew toplessness was legal for women in some places, but I didn’t know pantslessness was legal outside of specific beaches and resorts. And as someone who was raised by a germaphobe and therefore scrubs like I’m preparing for surgery everytime I come home from being out in public: YES PLEASE TO THE SITTING-ON-TOWELS IN PUBLIC! Going out in public is stressful enough as it is, I don’t know if I could handle worrying about people’s VERY personal hygiene every time I sit down.

  3. Oh I wish I could go about topless in Utah, especially in the summer when it’s fucking hell outside. Goddamned puritanical society! Oh and as usual, pics of naked ladies of all shapes, sizes and colors are deliciously and deviously delightful. (How’s that for a nice alliteration?)

  4. The topless book this IS a paid job. I saw the ad for it on the new york craigslist about a month ago. The idea was to stir up media attention but make it look like a group of girls empowering women, in order to sell books. I’m on the fence about it, but the ad wouldn’t give you any info on the book or even what it was about so I wasn’t going to promote something that for all I know could’ve been completely against my personality. Anyway, looks like it is working well, and obvs the girls are willing, and getting paid I think a few hundred bucks a day each.

    • Meant to add that I’m not sure if it was well intentioned or not, but the details in the ad were so vague I was just like “nah.” Plus they said it was gonna be around this time and I was like “too cold.”

      And where I said “empowering women” I’m not sure that was in the original ad it’s fuzzy to me now and I meant to change that before I hit submit. All I know is they wanted to make sure it didn’t look like a book promotion. +/- I dunno what to make of such things. But it DID inform me of the topless law thing which I had never known abotu and found nice to know :)

  5. I got my first speeding ticket yesterday, going 20mph over. Needless to say, I was feeling a bit glum. But then a friend suggested I enjoy autostraddle. I did and obviously life got a little better. There’s no problem naked ladies can’t help.

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