This was quite the roller coaster week, wasn’t it? We even had the open open thread so that everyone could comment away the blues. It wasn’t all low, though –there was plenty of cheer to go around in the form of shiny new autolikes from your adoring fans and fellow readers. Laneia introduced you to all the new writers and interns and we made some ice cream so that we wouldn’t melt. Lizz fashioncapped Pretty Little Liars as per ushe, Riese recapped another episode of your favorite show, The Real L Word and Jess brought you some background to the damn thing with her interview with Sadjah. Katrina made an appearance via an insightful and relevant to your interests update on what’s going on in runagay land and Bevin aka QueerFatFemme told you everything you didn’t know you needed to know about getting a prenup. Julie and Brandy In Your Box Office’d The Hang Over 2, the ladies of Unicorn Plan-It previewed The Ho Bag, and you can enter to win stickers and a voicemail from Haviland, Sarah, and Ashley. And if that isn’t a good ending to the week, I don’t know what is. Let’s turn it over to Brianna for the ASS Group of the Week.
You need help now and you need help often, so who you gonna call? GHOSTBUSTERS! Or AUTOSTRADDLERS. Cindy created this group for you to seek and give out advice to each other, which is great if you need advice RIGHT NOW and You Need Help and Formspring Friday won’t cut it! So go on and join your fellow helpless Autostraddlers.
On Meet the New Girls: Allow Me to Introduce Autostraddle’s Recent Recruits:
The Unintended Consequences Award to mkr and  fragola:
On The “Institution of Marriage” Goes Gay in New York and It Looks Good:
The I’m Pretty Sure This Is Cute? Award to Evidux: “This all gave me a heart on.”
On NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Special: The Ethics of Lust’s Inaugural Post:
The I See What You Did There Award to A.:
On Let’s All Look At Pictures of Rachel Maddow:
The Look Dad! No Hands! Award to Chloe: “My dad used to always talk about how great Rachel Maddow was and how I should try to be more like her.
You’re welcome, father. Although I doubt this is what you had in mind.”
On Haters Fight NY Gay Marriage With Idiocy, 2 Million Dollars, Lawsuits, “Bloodshed,” Etc.:
The AKA Congenital Soul Failure Award to novastar: “Maggie Gallagher is a congenital schmuck.”
The I Shall Not Tell Lies Award to See: “Maggie Gallagher is the Dolores Umbridge of our time. Also, the suit jacket. PINK. Insufferable.”
The Scarborough Fair Award to Po: “being incensed is just another name for prejudice toward spices”
The You’re Such a Girl ;-) Award to bookbound: “I HATE THE GENDER BINARY WITH A PASSION THAT REQUIRES MANY EXCLAMATION POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, mornings (!!!!!!!) Who invented them, and why, and where do they live so I can go punch them inna face? I just wanna go back to sleep and forget about that whole “work” thing.”
i found this post very emotionally moving and appreciate the clever participation of everyone involved in autostraddle dot com, you’re all so funny and smart
Riese, I think the feeling might be mutual!
Also, thank you Laura for doing these excellent comment awards!
Oh pshaw, guys! Love all around.
Thanks for the award, my vacation started today with that and making a new friend on AS. Pretty decent start!
!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) 8) ;)
Thanks for the award! Still in full-force Hogwarts mode. CAN’T STOP WON’T STOP.
This reminds me of when our waitress at Buffalo Wild Wings tried to “expelliarmus” my straw out of my hand a few days ago.
That’s amazing. Did you get her number? ;)
She was adorable, but all kinds of straight. I tipped her well, though.
Hey uh, I don’t want to be annoying or concern troll-y, but the “you’re such a girl” award?
It’s exciting to know that people actually read the award names! I spend ages trying to come up with them. Howevs, don’t fret! That one was a joke made in reference to an algorithm I wrote about earlier in the week that claims it can recognize posters’ gender based on, among other things, exclamation marks and emoticons.
The award names are like, the best part!
DISAGREE. Bears. Beets. Battlestar.
jk. DISAGREE. Being in receipt of a comment award might be the best part. Although, I feel the awesome the award title is the best part of my award so…
I think taking this whole thing apart might lead me to an existential crisis, so I’m probably just going to watch more of The Office.
Lol, I totally missed that you were referring to that. Sorry.