5 Fanfic Rewrites of That Final Killing Eve Scene That Make It Better (Gayer)

SPOILER ALERT: There are obviously spoilers from the finale of Killing Eve below!

Maybe you, like a lot of us, have not been able to stop thinking about the final scene of Killing Eve’s fantastic, thrilling, queer, sexy, smart first season! Maybe you, like a lot of us, were convinced — for a brief but magical moment in time — that the finale would end with Eve and Villanelle acting on their visceral obsession with one another by hooking up! Maybe Eve Polastri (played with frenetic energy by Sandra Oh) had that thought, too, just before she plunged her knife into Villanelle’s stomach. After all, she regretted it almost immediately. Eve’s face after realizing what she had done definitely said “oh shit, lesbian sex would have been so much better than this!”

Well now I don’t have to merely imagine alternate endings to Killing Eve’s finale: I can read them. A group of online heroes have taken it upon themselves to rewrite That Scene, and the results are beautiful (and so very gay). Yes, my fellow Killing Freaks, I am here to report that Killing Eve fanfiction gives us the ending we not only crave but deserve. Here are some of the highlights:

1. Poorly Wired Circuits by Rheaird_of_Life

This internet hero rewrote the finale scene FIVE TIMES! Each chapter is a new way that it could have played out. Some are silly, some are sexy, all are gay. Villanella just, like, undresses and gets in a bathtub in the first one? Here’s an excerpt:

She eyes Eve for a moment waiting for her to also drink before saying, “Did I ever tell you about the time I killed a man with my tits?”

Version two, in which Eve grills Villanelle about Anna:

Oksana’s hand comes to rest on the side of her face, her thumb caresses her cheek. And for a second she thinks Oksana is going to lean in and kiss her. And for a second she almost wants her to. But the moment passes and Oksana drops her arm back to her side. She opens the door for Eve, and Eve finally steps through. She doesn’t get very far before Oksana hails her again.

Version three, when Villanelle walks in on Eve dressing in her clothes and then teaches her HOW TO STAB PEOPLE!!!

Eve feels goosebumps up her spine and all along her arms, when Oksana comes in close and presses herself against Eve’s back. Her left arm wraps around Eve’s waist, possessively, as if she is a thing to be claimed, or perhaps to prevent her from making any sudden movements. Probably both. Oksana’s right arm comes up around her own, hand resting over top Eve’s fist. With the heels on they are the same height, so Oksana has to place her head on Eve’s shoulder in order to see what she is doing. It’s oddly romantic in all of its fucked up glory.

In version four, Villanelle puts on The Pink Dress and brings Eve ice cream and suggests that they watch the movie D.E.B.S. together?! Someone please call a paramedic.

Eve isn’t sure if she’ll ever fully understand this woman, or her trains of thought, but she knows she will never stop trying. Not until one or both of them are dead.

In the final chapter, Eve does stab Villanelle, but then Villanelle lets her patch her up.

Eve flushes but forces herself to look up into Oksana’s eyes. She’s amused once more. And something else. If Eve didn’t know any better, she would think Oksana was looking a little bit aroused. But that was ridiculous, wasn’t it? Then again, Oksana wasn’t exactly normal. For all she knew, blood play was a welcome addition to the bedroom.

2. More Fun Than Killing Me by heyitsathrowaway

This fic asks the important questions like “What if sex instead of murder?”

“Fuck,” says Eve, swaying a bit, “wait, wait, I’m married–”
“You said you lost your husband,” Villanelle points out.
“I didn’t–we’re just going through a rough patch.”
“So have an affair,” Villanelle says. “That’s what couples do during rough patches.”
“Not with professional assassins.”

3. Nacre by willowbilly

Ok, this one dials up the smut to like 100. You’ve been warned.

Something in Eve’s chest expands. Something yearning and selfish. Something which wants to not give a single shit beyond her own base happiness. Something which wants to make impulse decisions, to live like the future can go fuck itself, something which wants to fuck up in the now and accept the obsession.

4. Unconventional by smudgythoughts

Here’s a quick lil drabble in which Eve stabs but then has a nice lil heart-to-heart with Villanelle.

Villanelle grins. It suits her features more than Eve thought it would. Not that she’s been thinking of how Villanelle would smile. “You weren’t happy when you were with him, were you? It was a bit too… unconventional for you. You always wanted something more.”

5. Ne Me Quitte Pas by janewaymills

This one’s still updating, but instead of Eve stabbing Villanelle, they both just fall asleep next to each other. From there, I think this fic is potentially heading in interesting directions!

“You found me,” Oksana said. There was a pause. She listened to Eve’s steady breathing, felt the closeness of their bodies. “Will you stay with me for a bit?” She asked.
“Yeah,” Eve replied. “For a bit.” Oksana nodded. She understood, and couldn’t help but find some enjoyment in, the chaos she had left in her wake. Of course, that meant there was much to be done to tie things back up again–if that was possible. So many threads had been cut in the past few weeks, she wondered what could be salvaged. It was time to shed this version of herself. New life, she thought, and her fingers gently searched for and found Eve’s hand. Neither moved, neither spoke as the single thought on both minds seemed to fill the room: What am I going to do about you?

If you’ve read another Killing Eve fic that ruined your life, remember: Sharing is caring!

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Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya

Kayla Kumari Upadhyaya is the managing editor of Autostraddle and a lesbian writer of essays, fiction, and pop culture criticism living in Orlando. She is the former managing editor of TriQuarterly, and her short stories appear in McSweeney's Quarterly Concern, Joyland, Catapult, The Offing, The Rumpus, Cake Zine, and more. Some of her pop culture writing can be found at The A.V. Club, Vulture, The Cut, and others. When she is not writing, editing, or reading, she is probably playing tennis. You can follow her on Twitter or Instagram and learn more about her work on her website.

Kayla has written 973 articles for us.


    • This was the first Killing Eve fic I read, and it was so good I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to find anything else I liked as much!

  1. Kayla! I did mean to get work done today!
    Oh well, I‘ll just emote over Nina Simone‘s „Ne Me Quitte Pas“ while doing the laundry and dive into the abyss of ff later..

  2. This show is so good. I’ve been recommending it to anyone that will listen. I can’t wait for more people to discover it

    • I keep feeling like I’m spreading the good word about the shows that I love.
      Just a question of time until I’m standing in the mall, holding up a sign and handing out leaflets…

  3. This is my kind of journalism. Thanks for all the hard work to compile these fics! Now my “Killing Eve” obsession will never die!! <3

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