My favorite games are almost always epic RPGs where I can spend an entire hour making sure my character is as sexy as possible in exactly the way I want them to be and I can spend entire months exploring and clearing every dungeon and collecting every special weapon and becoming the God of All Places, People, and Things. And then, once I have saved or destroyed the world, I can start all over and do it again EVEN BETTER THIS TIME. Dragon Age. Skyrim. Fallout. Dragon’s Dogma. Mass Effect (although I actually never replayed Mass Effect because there’s something sacred about your first Femshep and it just never felt right to me to redo her. MY Shepard was about 40 years old and blonde and surly and a total renegade. Like basically imagine if Starbuck had had a chance to grow up but try not to get too sad about it.)
I can’t really guess how many hours I have spent in each of those games, because I mostly played them on Ps3 and that console is all dusty in a closet somewhere nowadays, I think. It’s a lot though. I promise you. Like, I played Dragon Age Inquisition four times for reasons not entirely unrelated to romance. (Sera, Josephine, Cassandra, and Dorian, if you must know.)
But here is a secret, from me to you: The game I have played the most is no sprawling epic that takes 100 hours to beat.
It’s a roguelike, or roguelite. This genre encompasses a lot of different things, and of course a few very loud people have very strong opinions about what actually counts as a roguelike and what is not serious enough to bear that sacred mantle, but games in these genres seem to have a few agreed-upon things in common.
The first is permadeath. If you die, your game is over. This is something I think a lot of people find stressful but for me it’s really freeing? If I screw up I can just start again and hope for better luck instead of having to replay the same tough fight over and over and over again until I don’t actually enjoy the game anymore.
Second: some amount of randomization/procedural generation. These games are meant to be replayed. So every new game will have a different set of circumstances. You might fight different enemies, or have a different map, or have different weapons available to you. Basically you never know exactly what a given run of the game will throw at you.
Third: a steep learning curve. There’s not usually a lot of handholding in these games. You learn by dying, mostly. Wikis and subreddits and Let’s Plays become your best friends. (If you think I have played an excessive amount of Binding of Isaac you would not want to know how many hours I have spent watching in on YouTube.) My suggestion is, play until you die a couple times, then go looking for answers to specific questions once you at least kind of know what questions to ask.
Anyway, starting with my obvious favorite, here are some roguelike/roguelite games I like a lot. BONUS: all of these games run easily on my not-fancy-at-all laptop.
The Binding of Isaac Rebirth/Afterbirth
I play this basically every single day. It’s my comfy place. If things are going especially well I can beat it in around 30 minutes. It fits perfectly into my schedule on the approximately seven days a week when I don’t have a whole chunk of time to play a big huge beautiful RPG adventure. It’s fast and little and adorable and also troubling and gross.
The game itself doesn’t really have a narrative, but they give you backstory during the opening credits in the form of a 2 minute long stick figure movie, which is a very upsetting modern retelling of the Abraham/Isaac story from the Bible that you should skip if you are triggered by depictions of child abuse (it’s a cartoon, but it is legit dark). The important thing to know is that instead of waiting around for God to spare him, Isaac escapes into the basement. And that’s where the game starts.
I would describe the art style as, I guess, cute body-horror? The overall design owes a lot to SNES-era Legend of Zelda, except with way different content. Like, Isaac himself is a cute little boy with giant cute eyes. But he uses those giant cute eyes to slay enemies by shooting them with his tears. And the enemies are poops and worms and spiders and flies and things that are probably body parts, and also his mother and Satan and Isaac’s very own self. You go deeper and deeper into the dungeon, fighting all the things you are afraid or ashamed of, and picking up power-up items that are often as grotesque as the monsters you’re fighting. (And every item you pick up alters your appearance so by the end you are probably somewhat less cute from carrying around all of your horrors. Just like real life!) But, still, it’s cute.
The dungeon progresses in a set order of floors, but each floor is itself procedurally generated and will have different items (there are hundreds of items in this game, so the difference between runs is hugely variable). It’s pretty punishing at first, but the more you play, the more you know. And you continually unlock items as you complete objectives, so it actually tends to get easier as you gain access to more powerful weapons.
There is one final DLC coming out hopefully by the end of the year that will add even more content, which I am pretty pumped about. Even I might start to get bored around the 800-hour mark, you know?
Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup (DCSS)
This is a very traditional old school roguelike. Old school to the point where there is no sound and you can play it in ASCII if you want, but thankfully it is also available in Tiles, which are tiny little pictures that don’t move but at least they look like actual things I can understand.
There is no story. You start at the top of a dungeon and have to work your way down to the bottom to retrieve the fabled Orb of Zot, and then you have to bring it all the way back up and run out the front door with it. This game is SUPER hard. There is a tutorial, but I never used it so I don’t know how helpful it is. I still have never beat it in probably 1000 attempts (maybe because I skipped the tutorial? Guess we’ll never know). I came so ridiculously close one time last year, but I panicked and ruined everything (WITH THE EXIT IN SIGHT WHY DIDN’T I JUST USE THE WAND OF DIGGING I’D BEEN CARRYING FOR THE ENTIRE GAME???) But anyway I was so upset with myself that I didn’t really play again until pretty recently, but now I’m back in the saddle and I’m remembering how much I love it.
There is a lot to learn in this game, and looking things up as you go is essential to success. It’s all the dice-rolly parts of D&D without the fun role play stuff, but there’s no Player’s Handbook. So within the game, you want to examine every enemy until you know what they are capable of. Outside of the game, I find the subreddit to be very helpful and I keep it open whenever I get to the tough late-game. The most important thing, I think, is knowing what order to do things in, because the game won’t tell you, and you will die if you go to the wrong place too early.
The coolest thing about DCSS is that it’s totally free, and it’s being constantly improved and rebalanced by the developers (with clear and descriptive patch notes, even!). You can play a current build online, but I usually download the most recent stable build and play offline because that version has some mouse capability and I don’t need to see my thousands of deaths on a public scoreboard.
Winning this game, I IMAGINE, takes at least a couple hours. It’s turn-based though so you can play at your own pace. I love it so much. It is so cruel. I’m gonna win it some day, I really am.
This only fits loosely, I guess, but I like it. It’s life or death Yahtzee in space and when your crew members die you eat their corpses for sustenance?
This game isn’t hard, really, it’s just heavily dependent on RNG and sometimes it can be frustratingly unwinnable even if you do everything right.
I shouldn’t like it as much as I do. Maybe I just miss Yahtzee.
Here’s a good space one! Admittedly, there’s not nearly enough Yahtzee in this particular space, but this game is well balanced and tough and kind of charming.
FTL is relatively easy to pick up and play, it’s pretty intuitive. I haven’t beaten it but that’s because I always panic when I get to the final stage. But that’s a me problem; I have faith you’ll do better.
In FTL you are a ship trying to outrun the advancing rebel fleet to deliver some important intelligence or something, I think. You hop from star to star and improve your ship and recruit crew members and fight bandits and answer distress calls that 99% of the time are traps, and the art and music are nice and the combat is very satisfying. I mean sometimes mantis people warp onto your ship and murder your crew, and sometimes everything catches on fire, and sometimes this all happens at once, but not every time.
I opened this game last night for the first time in a while just meaning to grab a screenshot and wound up playing for a couple hours. It’s just really really fun. Maybe I’ll make it my mission to finally beat it this weekend.
There are tons more games like these; my Steam library is overflowing with them, but these ones are my go-tos for killing time until the pizza arrives or putting off replying to a text message. Any titles I missed that you think I should try? And what are your de-stressing games for when you don’t quite have the time to build an entire house and recruit street urchins to be your children in Skyrim?
I adore Roguelikes. May I please recommend Cataclysm: DDA? There’s zombies a plenty, modern settings, controllable vehicles, and it’s a hoarder’s delight (canned goods everywhere). It has a tile version like DCSS too.
I’m going to post the wiki article because I can’t seem to access their main website. I hope you don’t get too lost in it!!
Oh i totally played this a little a few years ago! I was really really bad at it but I loved the openness of it. I also got into 7 Days to Die for awhile which is kind of similar but is first person and last I checked there were no vehicles? It was fun. I was bad at that too.
I’ll have to check out 7 Days to Die. In Cataclysm, I end making these lesbian lumberjack (like you do) characters who attempt to build a cabin in the woods and start sustainable farms. Unfortunately, most have starved to death. Although in my most recent play-through I found a semi-truck with diesel in the tank, so I’ve been camping out in that. Sorry I get super excited about roguelikes!
I just had a bad habit of falling into game-y behavior like “explore everything, fight everything” and eventually getting eaten. I need to go back and try again with a smarter survival instinct.
I don’t go out of my way to play a lot of Roguelike/Roguelite games, but one i’ve really enjoyed recently is The Flame in The Flood. It’s a reasonably barebones survival/rpg/roguelite, but it’s super compelling, it has interesting mechanics, a lovely artstyle, an awesome OST and serious replayability. The learning curve is steep but once you get the hang of it you can also really settle into it and play for long periods.
Bonus, the protagonist is a girl, with a pooch side-kick. I would definitely recommend.
I have that one in my library but have only given it a quick look so far. Takeaways from about 30 minutes of gameplay: the art is absolutely gorgeous, and I don’t know how boats work.
As soon as this headline came into my notifications I was like “This is by dufrau”
brand just too strong.
i’ve been playing don’t starve together some lately with friends. i never played the single player version, but wikipedia says it has “roguelike elements” so i guess i’m topical enough? it’s pretty fun, though i think the first time we tried it we all died on like day 2.
oh yeah I’ve meant to check out the single player one, I really like the art style (multiplayer stresses me out though)
i’m mostly not a fan of big multiplayer games (which is maybe ironic given the years of my life i spent playing world of warcraft), but this is just four of us playing co-op on a server with no random strangers, and it’s kinda nice.
the art and the music are definitely fun. i wish i’d grabbed the single player version when it was on sale.
Looks like all the Don’t Starve titles are on sale on Steam this weekend! Just bought a bundle :)
perfect! thanks
I love Don’t Starve! I’ve never played the multiplayer, but I’ve played hours and hours of the single player. I beat adventure mode (Webber’s low sanity is a problem but being a spider-friend is very useful), but have yet to survive a year of Shipwrecked.
i’ve gotten kinda into playing as maxwell ’cause it’s convenient to be able to blatantly disregard my sanity. webber seems like a strong choice, tho. (i never play him cuz i’m just playing with friends, and one of them chooses him 100% of the time)
Don’t starve is such a fun game. I never played the multiplayer, but I’ve played the other one a lot.
Check out The Long Dark. It’s currently in Alpha on Steam (and I believe Xbox One and possibly PS4). It’s developed by Hinterland and is a fantastic game that hits all your criteria.
Ooh I have that one already. I’ll give it a go.
I heartily suggest FTL as a “must-play” for casual or hardcore gamers. :)
I too have played a borderline embarassing number of hours of isaac. that game has such a weird amount of longevity for something that started as a little weird flash game. Im currious who you (dufrau or anyone who reads this) watches on youtube. I always need suggestions because my criteria for lets plays is fairly intense (no misogyny, minimum yelling, ideally a lady, at least not overly bro-ey).
Well for Isaac I watch Northernlion, who if you watch Isaac on youtube I’m sure you have tried and have either liked or disliked already (he’s a dude, but he’s pretty chill and (in my opinion)generally inoffensive). I also like his GeoGuessr series, which is a game I am obsessed with but nobody on youtube really plays. Another good dude I watch (mostly for Fallout but he covers indie games too) is ManyATrueNerd. The only lady channel I watch with any regularity is GeekRemix but they haven’t played any games I’m super interested in lately.
I have also played and watched absurd amounts of Isaac. I would recommend NothernLion for a BoI let’s play, he meets most of your criteria. Unfortunately, I don’t know of any lady youtubers playing BoI.
This is rather interesting, the only other games that i’ve heard of which incorporate permadeath is the weird zombie one, this certainly gave me a few options that i can sneak in between my guild wars 2 sessions of escaping reality, thank you :D
P.S : Totally unrelated but if you ever want to try an mmorpg which doesnt have a toxic community try guild wars 2, its really amazing :D
Came here to recommend Crypt of the Necrodancer. I’d describe it as a chess-like roguelike set to music. I’ve probably sunk just as much time in this as I have with Isaac.
Also, it’s 75% off on Steam right now.
Nice! Just bought it. This game is one that I see/hear about every now and then and know I should buy it but then I forgot. Spelunky is another one I need to get at some point, but that is not on sale right now so I’m gonna forget it again.
Great post! I love rougelikes! If you’re looking for one on the go, Pixel Dungeon is a great one for phones. It’s pretty classic rouge, and really smooth and well made for mobile play :)