100 Ways People Found Autostraddle Last Week: Sex Edition

feature image collage contains photos from The Gender Spectrum Collection and AllGo
Our newsletter, the Autostraddle Weekly, contains a cool little segment titled Here's How People Found Autostraddle Last Week, where I pull out five or so of the more unique or confusing search terms that have led readers to our doorstep. It's fun, we have a great time. What you don't see are all the sex-related searches I have to wade through in order to get to those fun weirdo search terms. Friends, there are so many.
Here's a sampling from the past seven days.
1. lesbian sex
2. shibari 101
3. bondage techniques
4. nsfw
5. dating profile what does switch mean
6. how to tie someone up for bondage
7. bondage ties
8. erotic over 25 years old lesbian and stepd...

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lnj has written 310 articles for us.