• Transpeople, Ewoks, Dolly Parton: It’s All The Same to Bill O’Reilly

    Now that American Eagle staffers don’t have to choose “gender-specific” outfits, what’s to stop them from DRESSING LIKE EWOKS? Lawyers think George Rekers gay sex controversy could call his past expert witness testimony into question. Why aren’t we talking about the sex lives of the white male Supreme Court Justices? Plus, how parents deal with Glee, how to be a good beard, and racism in beauty pageants.

  • Trans Father Scott Moore’s Baby Photos Inspire Awws, Bigotry

    Scott Moore (dubbed “the second pregnant man” by the media) and his husband Thomas (also FTM) welcomed a new baby into the world yesterday, and TMZ has photos. And the homophobia and transphobia is ‘a-flyin’.

  • Real L Word Recap Episode 102: Making Something Out of Nothing

    I’m just a shell of myself. Ok, Brandy? I’m a shell of myself.

  • Real L Word Premieres Sunday, Hated It

    The Real L Word premieres on Sunday, aren’t you so excitant? We reflect and look forward and read reviews and witness strap-ons. But really the best part is that Autostraddle’s Nat Garcia is gonna be doing exclusive Real L Word content for Showtime & Sho.com! I know! See! We got our grrrl in there, and she is perfect.

  • Cynthia Nixon: Gay Identity a ‘Political Stance’, We’re All Bisexual.’

    The beautiful/perfect Cynthia Nixon is on the cover of Advocate’s pride issue, talking relationships, sexual identity, her Miranda identity, her hot butch partner and “Sex and the City 2.” Also; Katie Melua questions her sexuality, Julie Goldman covers SHE Mag, Lea Michele covers Women’s Health Mag, Bitch Blogs celebrates the Daria DVD release and Family Guy features a trans character.

  • Queer the Census: Be Counted or Pay the Price, Homos.

    Get a sticker and queer the census, or go without education and health care. Just saying, it’s up to you. Patraeus says the time has come to repeal DADT. Also; just like kids in middle school, more and more seniors are daring to come out as queer or trans. Even more legal analysis of the Prop 8 trial and what it all means! Plus, a lesbian couple was granted a marriage license in CA because of regressive gender laws, and you can get married at Mt. Everest!

  • Will Healthcare Reform Lure College Grads Back to The Parental Units?

    Some are ‘worried’ that extending family health care under Obama’s plan to 26 year-olds will encourage ‘slackers,’ many more find this safety net ‘awesome.’ New provisions will make it harder to kick gays out of the army ’cause of DADT (like your ex-girlfriend can’t do it for revenge, etc.) while they decide what the f to do long term. Also; the redacted memo, web 3.0, prom in New Orleans? & marijuana legalization on the ballot.

  • Interviewing Bitch, Electro-Violinist Rock Poet Grrrl & Touring T.W.A.T.

    Fueled by a recent break-up, queer electro-violinist rock poet B*itch (formerly from queercore duo ‘Bitch & Animal’) is back a new look and her second solo LP, “Blasted!”. Our music writer Corey sits down to talk about her transformation into solo artist and what fans can expect from her new release & upcoming tour.

  • Constance McMillen Sent to Fake Prom, Itawamba Students Aren’t All That

    Constance McMillen continues to be f*cked over: her school sent her to a fake prom with “learning disabled” students. Also, employers are exploiting unpaid interns and it could be illegal. Why do gay men sometimes make fun of vaginas? Plus, it’s been a year since Iowa allowed gay marriage, Lambda Legal needs your help, and Obama may get another Supreme Court nomination.

  • Hollywood Loves Gay Men & Teens, Just Ask “The Marriage Ref”

    Not since the dawn of Rickie Vasquez & Will Truman have gay men been so loved by Hollywood. It’s fine, ladies have tampons and performance art. Also; A new teaser for Jill Bennett & Cathy DeBuono’s We Have to Stop Now, Glee on Oprah, & Prop 8 Films’ gay marriage documentary ‘Till Death Do Us Part.’

  • Do You Have Chairs For Pets? Here, Have A Comment Award!

    Hey-o lads and ladies. It’s Friday, which means it’s comment award time. This title is probs too long, but that video (you know the one I’m talking about, with Nat and Dinah Shore!) is so funny that I feel obliged to bring it up as many times as possible.

  • Friends of Lesbian Teen Gave Her Six Months to Go Straight Before Attacking Her

    New information in the Cheyenne Williams case (maybe), and shocking violence in Edmonton. Gay and bisexual politicians abound, and the petition on Ref. 71 is finally going to court. Also, a defense of the Boy Scouts, and an investigation of the gay dollar.

  • Is Jennifer Knapp the Brave Christian Lesbian We’ve Been Waiting For? (Larry King VIDEO)

    A full video of Jennifer Knapp’s appearance on Larry King Live is out — will Jennifer Knapp be the one to show Gay & Christian are not mutually exclusive? And when did Ted Haggard stop being an asshat and start being bearable? Rosie makes our little gay hearts feel full of love, Archie Comics are getting a new gay in Riverdale, Will Phillips is the cutest recipient of a television journalism award in the history of television journalism, and there’s a new name in media aimed at Muslim women. And hey, have you made a video for Be Queer, Buy Queer yet? If not, make moves!

  • Right Now Lesbians Like Caster Semenya Much More Than Barack Obama

    People from all over the internet weigh in on how we should feel about Obama, Scott Roeder gets a life sentence but the Pope apparently can’t be tried, the GOP is crazy, and we still love Caster Semenya.

  • Gay Prom Update: ACLU Schedules Hearing. Also Constance McMillen’s Mom is Gay!!!

    In a radio interview, Constance mentions that her Mom is gay and also talks about how the response online has warmed her while classmates have been hostile. Also: big boobs do not a “curvy model” make, the case for girl geeks, Miss England trades swimsuits for sports, Karl Lagerfeld hates gay marriage, Tampon ads come back around, and a woman coaches football.

  • Virginia AG Favors Rescinding Gay Protections, College Students Raise Hell

    New Virginia AG doesn’t waste any time in office trying to make gays really pissed at him, but at Liberty University students are lovin’ the Creationism 101 discussion. The Denver Archdiocese doesn’t want kids of the gays in their schools, but there are some Catholics who are down with equality. Westboro Baptist Church is going to the Supreme Court. Plus, kerfluffle in Virginia, some tips for the census, and another blow to DADT.

  • Catholic Church Lets Sex Abusers Guide Children, But Not Gay Parents?

    A new round of sex scandals rock the church while the church fights to keep its anti-gay adoption policies and prevent the child of gays from attending its pre-school. Jon Stewart & “Deliver Us From Evil” report. Also; the trouble with the media’s take on the troubles of black women, clinical trials leave out glbts, ‘zines, is twitter a girl, gearing up for dinah shore weekend & a new LGBT Center in Long Beach, New York.

  • Anti-Gay CA Senator Ashburn Walks Out of Gay Bar, Gets DUI, COMES OUT

    The lawsuit for those injured in the Atlanta Eagle bar raid needs your help, Roy Ashburn is a lying hypocrite, General Petraeus has worked with queers in the past and hasn’t been raped by a man yet, the VA Attorney General wants to take away college protections, Minnesotans are giving it their all for Uganda, and Roseanne wants to save the gay Mormon kids.

  • Skins Movie Will Reunite Casts, Hopefully Bring Characters Back From the Dead

    SKINS MOVIE SKINS MOVIE THERE’S GONNA BE A SKINS MOVIE and Nicholas Hoult’s gonna be in it as well as the rest of both casts. But really, there’s so much going on this Sunday Funday! Rosie has a new show, Gaga has a new lawsuit, Mr. Sexsmith has a new reading series, Catherine Opie has a new exhibit, and Dina Lohan has a new toothbrush for you.

  • Toni Collette is Queering Gender in United States of Tara: The Autostraddle Interview

    Season 2 of United States of Tara kicks things up a notch with homo-sexy goodness with Joey Lauren Adams and further explores her gay son Marshall’s sexuality. We met up with the woman of a thousand looks and accents to talk about straddling the line of gender roles and norms, her preparation for playing multiple characters within the same TV series, what major role she turned down and more!