Pop Culture Fix: Netflix Isn’t Backing Down on Transphobia, Trans Workers Aren’t Backing Down on Walking Out

Did anyone order a mid-week link round-up? You did? Well, here you go. I threw in an Oreo milkshake for free, Sugar.

+ The trans employees at Netflix who are planning a walkout — after the company doubled down on its stance that Dave Chappell’s transphobic stand-up special won’t cause any real world harm — have started a Twitter account where they’ve also posted their demands.

+ Javicia Leslie and Robin Givens are Gotham’s coolest dynamic duo.

+ I wish ODAAT had gotten to tell this story too! 😭

+ Shalita Grant on subverting expectations in You and Search Party as the comic relief.

+ Here’s the trailer for the five-part Flash Armageddon event, aka 2021’s CRISIS!

+ And now, the official trailer for Tampa Baes. (Bonus: 5 things the producers want you to know about the “lesbian reality show.”)

+ DCFanDome revealed what’s to come in this season of #Batwoman where Ryan and Alice find themselves unlikely partners in crime.

+ Megan Fox knows she helped a lot of queer girls come out.

+ On Margaret Atwood and why it’s so hard when your queer faves betray you.

+ The Baby-Sitters Club showrunner and cast on creating an essential space for kindness.

+ Y: The Last Man has been cancelled by FX.

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Heather Hogan

Heather Hogan is an Autostraddle senior editor who lives in New York City with her wife, Stacy, and their cackle of rescued pets. She's a member of the Television Critics Association, GALECA: The Society of LGBTQ Entertainment Critics, and a Rotten Tomatoes Tomatometer critic. You can also find her on Twitter and Instagram.

Heather has written 1718 articles for us.


  1. Not surprised about Atwood, honestly. I’ve tried watching some of her writing lectures, but found her too arrogant and humorless. I think she believes since she’s smart and educated she obviously knows what it is like to have different life experiences. How she wrote the sex worker in Oryx and Crake (or rather the woman who was forced into sex work as a child), has always bothered me. That whole book has a very male gaze, something that seems common among TERFs. They shout about protecting women while putting themselves above “regular” women.

    • Ugh! Also not exactly surprised. Atwood has written sci fi for years, but refused to call it sci fi because she didn’t want to be associated with the genre. She wrote literary fiction! I think she eventually moved away from that position but it very arrogant and I’m too good to be associated with this lowbrow genre. But ugh!

  2. Jonathan Van Ness doesn’t in any way care about black people, people of color, or trans individuals (other than himself).
    He is one of many people that have been found involved in trafficking and attacking a series of black trans individuals.He’s severely racist, classist, and colorist (falling into the English supremacist category specifically).
    This is a desperate move on his part to distance himself from his several year long direct involvement in this scandal and remain socially relevant aka he’s pandering.

    • moderators, please remove this comment

      (And consider updating the comment policy for this level of misinformation?)

      • This isn’t misinformation but thank you for proving a lack of either A) Integrity or B) Knowledge.
        It’s always enjoyable and enlightening to see the full breadth of the LGBTQIA community and know fully well that much like the rest of the population that they remain willfully ignorant and tenacious about their false idol worship.

          • I’m a witness to his absolutely detestable behavior and a victim of his but thank you random stranger for utilizing the typical trolling lines for individuals regularly found online retaliating against truth tellers.
            I’m sure that Mr. Van Ness will give you all of the desired head pats and belly rubs for your contribution.

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