Rachel’s Team Pick: Wall Art With Yarn

In a matter of months I will have my Very Own New Apartment and I have been secretly sad inside for a while that I won’t be able to paint or doodle on the walls, and was going to settle for putting up faux-vintage fake Polaroids of my friends instead. BUT THEN I found this, and I now have a new life plan. Thank God for the internet, amirite?

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Originally from Boston, MA, Rachel now lives in the Midwest. Topics dear to her heart include bisexuality, The X-Files and tacos. Her favorite Ciara video is probably "Ride," but if you're only going to watch one, she recommends "Like A Boy." You can follow her on twitter and instagram.

Rachel has written 1141 articles for us.


  1. That is amazing, I’ve never seen that done before on a wall. Reminds me of those colouring books I had as a kid, or when you just had a blank piece of paper and made your own squirly whirly pictures up…mind you, I’d be tempted to colour all those segments in, if I did that on my wall.
    But I guess you could do it on a canvas too and do like a set in different coloured wool, ohh, I’m getting inspired!

  2. the math geek in me is really digging the look of this.

    also, after moving back home, i’ve found that i really like to think about how my next place will look. if i had more free wall space in my current room, i’d probs try and implement this now. but i don’t, so this has just been added to my vision of the future instead. : )

  3. Want! There was a plastic thingy you could make those with on paper. (I think what Sarah said) I just can’t remember what it was called – with a circle inside a circle and you put your pencil or pen in it. Anyone remember what those were called?? geoscope or retroscope or something…

    That’s super cool looking!

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