Welcome to NSFW Sunday!
+ The first American hardcore porno film, A Free Ride, was released in 1915 and depicted “a single female pleasuring herself like she’s at a Betty Dodson workshop.” Other early films included diverse body types, ages, and sexual orientations. Nerve discusses this and other milestones in feminist porn, including Anaïs Nin, Annie Sprinkle and On Our Backs :
“Adult women’s magazines began to surface in the ’70s on the coattails of Playgirl. Viva, Penthouse’s companion mag, hit the stands in 1973, replete with full-frontal pictorials of men and erotic fiction. Heavy-hitters like Helmut Newton shot for Viva, and Anna Wintour was the fashion editor — yes, it had a clothes section — at one point. Then, in the haze of the ’80s feminist movement, along came On Our Backs, the ultra-political, erotic — and most notably, first — lesbian’s magazine. (Its name lampooned the anti-pornography movement to get women ‘off our backs.’)”

Kiyomi McCloskey, photographed by Leslie Van Stelten, via liquorinthefront.tumblr.com
+ What counts as your “first time”? (Spoiler: whatever you think it was.) At Salon, lots of people share theirs:
“Lux Alptraum, CEO of Fleshbot, has an emotional definition of her first time. At 16 she had ‘oral sex and fingering stuff with my first boyfriend,’ she says. Months later, with her first girlfriend, she says, ‘we had the sex that I prefer to consider my loss of virginity — if only because at the end of the day, it was the most pleasant of all the experiences.’ Although she notes, ‘Since we just had oral sex, pretty much, it wasn’t actually a qualitatively different experience from what I experienced with the boyfriend.'”

via feelingslesbians.tumblr.com
+ Racilicious has reincarnated course notes for The Pleasure Principle: A Post-Hip Hop Search for a Black Feminist Politics of Pleasure. Follow the live tweets every Wednesday at 2:15 p.m. PT.
+ 8% of Canadians have had sex in a canoe.
+ What sex needs, according to the Atlantic, is quality improvement:
“We believe that quality improvement should begin at home, and specifically, in bed. Why? To begin with, many people who inspect this domain see substantial room for improvement. Second, sex is an utterly necessary activity, in which the very perpetuation of the species is at stake. Finally, the enormous economic impact of sex is both immediate and undeniable. Indeed, in view of how much time people spend on sex, it is amazing that it has so rarely been subjected to systematic quality improvement techniques.”

photo by Zanele Muholi via queer eyes queer words
+ In an interview with SF Weekly, 76-year-old erotica writer Desirre Holt explains the difference between smut and porn, gives advice to young writers and more:
“Basically I think in the romance industry age should have no limits. I’ve had to prove myself, of course, and many people when they first meet me are stunned. But I keep up with what’s going on in the world so I’m not outdated. And if I can get people to read that first story things are usually okay. But it’s hard to change overnight what’s been the norm for a long time.”
+ The number of injuries related to pubic-hair grooming increased five times between 2002 and 2010, according to a study based on ER visits. There were an estimated 2,500 incidents in 2010.
+ Slutocracy has a guide to staying anonymous for sex bloggers.
Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.
Man. I will immediately stop publicly grooming my hair. I don’t want to be a statistic.
That awkward moment when it says pubic hair not public. Lol
I am one of those unfortunate people who have accidentally nicked themselves while trimming their pubic hair.
But what about your public hair?
Scissors are not allowed.
I am so proud to be Canadian right now.
The first time I tried shaving my bits, I slashed the inside of my thigh so badly the E.R staff thought I was suicidal and convinced my parents to commit me for a few days.
I don’t think I’d go to an ER about any pubic-hair related injuries unless I somehow managed to slice my labia off or something. Remember kids, free labiaplasties are BAD labiaplasties.
Is there a good labiaplasty?
There is if you don’t already have a labia to begin with.
labiaplasties in general seem like a really creepy idea to me but hey, you do you.
Black Feminist Pleasure Blog. MUST SEE.
i imagine 8% of canadians are also quite fond of american beer
Please accept my unofficial Comment Award for Canadian Content (with Extra Maple Syrup).
I don’t remember taking a survey regarding my sexual exploits in canoes?
I surely thought they would ask about igloos before they asked about canoes, eh?
Sex in a canoe is a skill I’m not sure I have. Pretty sure I would end up in the lake.
Re first times – I like the ending – that it’s an emotional thing – I’ve always felt that virginity is an outdated concept, certainly in the traditional definition. There are those who will not accept anything other than penis enters vagina – in that logic any sexually active gay people who have never done the deed with the opposite sex are virgins and will remain so til they do! If that was the case I would be a vigin, even though I’m clearly not – my first time was in a seaside town during a rainswept day on a family holiday – which sounds oh so romantic.
Oh, and I should buy a canoe…
On a side note, I’m almost 19 and injury free!
Is it weird that my first time involved a four-some? And that I met them at a club? I’m so glad I didn’t catch anything. But it’s okay because I dated one of the girls afterwards night and she was amazing. ^_^
*edit* “afterwards and she was amazing.”