NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday Wants to Show and Tell

Happy Sunday! Have you voted for the Hot 100 yet? You probably should.

via curvygirlsarebetter.tumblr.com

+ Naked Before the Camera – a new exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art:

The Met is turning over a new leaf with Naked Before the Camera, a racy exhibit of nude photography for the notoriously tasteful institution. Tucked away in the tiny Howard Gilman Gallery of vintage photography, a lighted marquee hanging above the entrance spells the word “Naked,” as if to suggest you’re about to be treated to a peep show. Inside are some 70 photographic nudes selected from the Met’s collections and organized thematically by curator Malcolm Daniel.”

via modelsofcolor.tumblr.com

+ The Queer X Show – “Too Much Pussy” is a documentary relevant to your interests:

“Their van decorated by flowers and tampons, the women cruise through urban night scenes and different landscapes, asserting their right to explore the boundaries and intersections in their shows and in their lives between the personal and political, pornography and art, performance and reality. Several of the performance pieces deconstruct the boundaries of gender categories, while others examine what provokes desire and pleasure, including pleasure through pain.”

+ How to Handle Bad Sex, according to WebMD — the language is relatively heteronormative, but all the advice still applies!

margaret cho

+ Fucking Trans Women is a super-cool new $5 ‘zine created by 28-year-old “trans dyke” Miranda Bellweather who wanted to, quite simply, “talk to other trans women about sex, and write it all down.” Thus the ‘zine was born: “Fucking Trans Women is a collaborative DIY (Doin’ It Yourself) zine about the sex lives of trans women. It is designed to help trans women and our lovers share information about how we have good sex and what we do when we have sex that works.” 

+ What May I Do With My Naked Body? by Greta Christina – In response to criticism of The Nude Photo Revolutionaries Calendar:

“…if you’re going to argue that something women are freely choosing to do with our bodies is still harmful to other women, and that we ought not to do it, you need to actually make a strong positive case for that position. The default assumption should be that women are free to do with our bodies whatever the hell we choose, and that feminists ought to not only accept and tolerate each other’s right to make those choices, but actively support it. This should be the default assumption… unless you can make a strong positive case for why a particular choice is harmful, and we ought not to make it.”

+ The Naked Truth: Five Celebrities Go Naked For Allure: It’s the most wonderful time of the year! This year, Maria Menounos, Debra Messing, Leslie Bibb, Taraji P. Henson and Morena Baccarin are giving us the honor of their naked bodies.

via curvygirlsarebetter.tumblr.com

+ The Hairpin asked for sex diaries, and 15 percent were lesbians, so that’s something, and maybe you want to read about what they said.

+ Would you like to spend the afternoon looking at photographs of big labias? OF COURSE YOU WOULD. Luckily there’s a whole tumblr out there devoted to worshipping the labia — it is, obviously, very very NSFW, but it’s Sunday, so.

amanda palmer via girls-will-be-boys.tumblr.com

+ From Fuck The Disabled, a guide for lovers –  “Welcome to the MyPleasure Sex & Disability Guide, your complete resource for education, information and sexual enhancement products and sex toys for people who have various disabilities or health-related conditions that might otherwise limit their sexual functioning or satisfaction.”

via modelsofcolor.tumblr.com

+ This is hands-down my FIND OF THE WEEK — this amazing photoseries by Goodyn Green of boi-type humans either naked or half-naked or thinking about being naked and always super-sexy. Just trust me you will LOVE IT.

Disclaimer: All of the photographs on NSFW Sundays are taken from various tumblrs and do not belong to us. All are linked and credited to the best of our abilities in hopes of attracting more traffic to the tumblrs and photographers who have blessed us with this imagery. The inclusion of a photograph here should not be interpreted as an assertion of the model’s gender identity or sexual orientation. If there is a photo included here that belongs to you and you want it removed, please email our tech director at cee [at] autostraddle dot com and it will be removed promptly, no questions asked.

Before you go! Autostraddle runs on the reader support of our AF+ Members. If this article meant something to you today — if it informed you or made you smile or feel seen, will you consider joining AF and supporting the people who make this queer media site possible?

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Riese is the 43-year-old Co-Founder of Autostraddle.com as well as an award-winning writer, video-maker, LGBTQ+ Marketing consultant and aspiring cyber-performance artist who grew up in Michigan, lost her mind in New York and now lives in Los Angeles. Her work has appeared in nine books, magazines including Marie Claire and Curve, and all over the web including Nylon, Queerty, Nerve, Bitch, Emily Books and Jezebel. She had a very popular personal blog once upon a time, and then she recapped The L Word, and then she had the idea to make this place, and now here we all are! In 2016, she was nominated for a GLAAD Award for Outstanding Digital Journalism. She's Jewish and has a cute dog named Carol. Follow her on twitter and instagram.

Riese has written 3300 articles for us.


  1. There really is no better way to start a Sunday than by checking out NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday.

    • Oh, also! May is National Masturbation Month! So, there’s that. Thanks, NSFW Lesbosexy Sunday, for helping us celebrate.

  2. Thank you for the link about different labia shapes. I STILL struggle with concern about mine. Sometimes I think my vulva is beautiful and looks like a calla lily but then I’ll read some snarky shit online about “beef curtains” and basically never want to show it to anyone, ever. And then I get all pissed off and resentful that…really? REALLY? Our bodies are so dependent upon societal approval that we can’t just have that? Just that one thing–to not obsessively feel like shit about our labia, ffs?

    Anyway, the link made me feel better again and undid some of my recent decline in self-confidence.

      • Thanks for the links, especially the first one. It’s fabulous.

        The body hate is all so frustrating. I know that for myself, I love women’s bodies. They’re rad and perfect in all their variations. Ditto vulvas, which are really amazing in their diversity and are universally pretty fucking amazing.

        But, much like with weight, while I know that *I* admire all shapes and sizes, there’s still that anxiety about what *other* people think. Which is dumb. I’m definitely much better about it nowadays, but sometimes links like these are a wonderful reminder.

      • Oh, wow, thanks for that link! I might have to consider getting the book; it looks lovely.

        I’m glad to hear you missed the boat. Considered objectively, it is really the height of ridiculousness that it should have even occurred to anyone that they should have to worry about having an “ugly” vagina. Seriously. And that poor girl who was teased about it by people she’d actually allowed the honor of seeing it…how sad and terrible.

    • I felt like I was listening to myself talk while reading your comments….

      My thoughts exactly. :)

    • I totally love vulva pride stuff like that. I struggled with mine for a long time, too, after an incident in my adolescence when my doctor, upon seeing my vulva, made a remark about my “prominent labia”. Like, my doctor, ffs. It made me feel like a freak!

      But now I love my labia and so does my girlfriend. So HAH.

      • As physician, I’m so heartbroken to hear this…
        So glad you didn’t let it stop you from the labial self-love you deserve!

        Carry on.

  3. So this is Marika posting from my gay bestie’s account. And I just wanted to share with everyone that this morning we woke up, platonically snuggled, and looked at pictures of labia together.

    thank you Autostraddle for this moment of bonding.

  4. I feel oddly like Im more into boys after looking at the vagina photographs… I think I just ODed on cunt.

  5. So we’ve got naked Inara, and AmandaFuckingPalmer, who is married to the awesome Neil Gaiman… This feels pretty nerdy.

  6. Can I nominate this as the best collection of NSFW Sunday photos ever?


  7. Femme, femme, femme, femme, femme, femme, femme, femme, femme, Femme, femme, femme, straight, femme, femme, femme.

    For the fifth fucking week in a row.

    I get it, the rest of us are too disgusting to look at. Fuck you too, Autostraddle.

    • I don’t know what website you’re looking at, but I’m looking at Autostraddle. And Autostraddle has fucking awesome representation. I was just thinking that as I read the article. Take your pessimism somewhere else, and if you really do feel that way, say it in a constructive way.

      • Look, I don’t give good goddamn what you’re like as a person. Just stop pretending like this website represents all of us, because it clearly doesn’t. It’s a website for and about femmes. Call it what it is.

        And saying, “I can’t be biased against masculine women, I date them!” is no more convincing than a straight dude who claims he’s not misogynist because he fucks women.

        I’m not interested in being your diversity or your “special article for special people who aren’t the normal default lesbians like I am” and I’m sick to death of being treated like I’m too gross to get equal representation on a website that claims to cater to my demographic.

        I won’t tolerate this kind of misogyny and homophobia from people who are supposed to be on my side. It makes me sick and sad and tired.

        But I sense that I’m outnumbered, so I’ll just go fuck off now.

        • i was mostly joking with that comment about my girlfriend, i recognize that it’s not an adequate defense, it was meant to be playful — generally i try to stay out of these conversations because we get complaints that our website is too focused on masculine/butch women all the time as well, so I don’t know where to begin, besides to say that we do make a real genuine effort to display a variety of gender presentations here and i do agree that the gallery last week was femme-centric and this post wasn’t as equal as we usually make them, just based on what we came across this week, but i do think that this post features both masculine and feminine women, as do all of our NSFW sunday posts. as masculine women are my personal preference, i tend to seek that out, so a lot of what you see depends on who is writing the nsfw sunday that week. but i think annetheman was dead on with her response, so i defer to that.

          • You have already lost a lot of readers over this. You will continue to lose readers over this.

            And the fact that a single masculine lesbian doesn’t feel left out when she looks at pages and pages of lipstick lesbians one doesn’t prove anything. She doesn’t speak for all of us just because she agrees with you.

            If you keep getting complaints “all the time,” then gee, I dunno, maybe you really do have a problem! I suspect that your dismissive attitude towards masculine lesbians IS your problem.

          • “get complaints that our website is too focused on masculine/butch women”

            reading comprehension is your friend! Some people will say it’s too much, some people will say it’s too little, AS is trying to strike a happy medium of representation for everyone.

            Just as annetheman doesn’t speak for the greater group of butch/boi/androgynous queer women, neither do you speak for them. Or me. Because my queer, sports bra clad, buzzed fauxhawk, men’s clothes sporting self feels pretty well represented.

            And now if you’ll excuse me, I’m running low on boxer briefs and have to run by American Eagle.

          • Ok, I missed that part. My argument still stands. You can’t possibly look at this page and tell me there is not a problem. This NSFW post is typical of what appears on this website every week– 95% ladies in high heels and one girl with short hair thrown in for “diversity.”

            I don’t know who is complaining about the over-representation of masculine people on this site (or what universe they live in). Maybe it’s time for Autostraddle to change the text under the logo to “news, entertainment, opinion, and femme-on-femme culture,” because that’s clearly what it is and that’s clearly who most of their readers are now. Which is fine. They just need to be honest about it.

          • If you want me to be honest, I don’t give two fucks about the pictures in the NSFW sexy sunday posts because I am very much aware that no matter what they pick, somebody will complain. It’s only a few pictures a week, and every week when not everybody can be represented somebody starts bitching. Too many femmes! Not enough curvy women! When there are enough curvy women, all of them are white! When there are curvy women and women of color, all of them are femme (which I’m not sure I completely agree with your designation of all of these women as femme, considering many of them are at least half naked. it’s a little hard to say then).

            It is impossible to represent everyone all of the time with a half dozen pictures or so a week. BUT I actually thought this post was particularly good, because they linked to an entire gallery of cute bois instead of just throwing in a picture of one. It was awesome. More naked queers are better naked queers.

            Furthermore, it seems to me that the NSFW sunday posts should actually more be focused around the articles or links that are posted and not the pictures, which are an afterthought to me as I’m reading (it’s more like click link, read, ooh, naked girl, repeat). And the links are often really flipping amazing, inclusive, and thoughtful. Not to mention every fashion post that has something amazing for masculine of center queermos (thanks for the swimsuit advice, AS, it came at a very appropriate time for me).

            I would also just like to point out that I know quite a few straddlers in real life, very few of whom are femme and many of whom would be very angry that you’ve arbitrarily assigned them that identity.

            I could say more, but this is obviously about as fruitful as another stupid argument about bisexuality, as you’re excessively determined to be offended and stay offended. Between Riese, annetheman, Carrie, and I, I think most points have been adequately addressed and I’m done and will go quietly enjoy my evening, perhaps with a raspberry gin fizz.

            tl;dr point is I like it here and I’ve never felt excluded

          • 1) Pictures of women. Femme. Butch. Curvy. Multi race representative. Whatever. PICTURES OF WOMEN…YES! FUCKING YES!

            2) Riese..I HAVE seen your girlfriend. She smacked my ass. ‘nuf said there.

            3) Marika..I fucking adore you!

        • By saying who I am and who I like, I was trying to show that I feel my identity is very well represented on Autostraddle. I wasn’t attacking you. Autostraddle always does their best to be inclusive of everyone, and they do a fucking awesome job. We should appreciate that too, because considering all of the identities out there and how many are simply ignored in mainstream media, it’s a pretty hard thing to do, I bet.

          I don’t consider myself any less of a “normal lesbian” because I’m butch, and I know Autostraddle doesn’t either. I’m not gross or strange for being who I am, and Autostraddle reminds me of that all the freaking time.

          So thank you, Autostraddle.

    • And a gorgeous gallery of bois. I lean towards the femmes but I looked through that gallery, wondered “is this what people see in me?” and actually felt kind of sexy.

  8. I hated “Too Much Pussy.” I saw it at a film festival with a million lesbians and was really excited about such a sex positive documentary but felt it was just weird and made no real point other than “yay I can walk around naked in public and call it activism!” which I mean, yes, but no.

  9. Since no one has mentioned it yet, thanks for the link on sex and disability. I wish it were more complete, but the lovely thing about the internet is that it’s a work in progress. Now if I could only get a fucking partner who wasn’t a jerk!

    It was a bad day.

      • You are always so nice to me. Thank you. And I’m sorry that I’m a whiney mcwhinersons.

    • There are an awful lot of jerks out there. I know. I’ve dated several of them. (Hey D..are you still an ashole?) But..And I can’t stress this enough..There are even more beautiful, wonderful, thoughtful, amazingly loving ladies than there are jerks. I’ve been grateful for each of those I’ve met or dated. So don’t lose heart. Ms. Wonderful is waiting for you too!

  10. Amanda Palmer is awful and ableist and I feel bad now. :(
    Scrolling back up to the first picture does, however, help.

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