I don’t know if you’ve heard, but there’s an election coming up and if you’re not already sporting an Obama/Biden bumper sticker on your binder (the Trapper Keeper kind of “binder,” not the chest-contour kind), you probably don’t like Freedom. But what if you don’t have a car or a binder? What then? Surely there must be a way you can support Barack Obama while sitting in a chair drinking beer, right? OF COURSE THERE IS.
See, Obama is a very inspirational figure, not only to young children who dream of one day getting railroaded by the Republicans in congress, but also to artists, designers, etsy crafters and People Who Just Discovered Cafèpress. The Obama store even has a whole section of weird things you can wear designed by famous people like Vera Wang, Beyoncé, Diane Von Furstengberg, Jason Wu and Sean Jean.
This is not the case for Mitt Romney, whose campaign store is a wee thing compared to Obama’s commercial multitudes:

no really, this is his entire store, these are all of the products
Get it? Moms “drive” the economy? Because they drive their husbands to work? Hm. Well, let’s look at some of the many many things available online in celebration of our present president, Barack Obama.
Barack Obama Swag: 14 Ways To Put Your Money Where Your Beer Cozy Is
1. The Joe Biden Can Holder – $10 – (barackobama.com)
Though allegedly designed to keep your “soda” cold, everybody knows that this item exists to conceal the fact that you’re drinking Natty Light. It was this beer sleeve that inspired me to make this list to begin with (I also appreciate the “Cup of Joe” mug).
2. The Michelle Obama Tote Bag – $30 – (etsy/kraftho)
What I really like about this bag is the attention to detail.
3. Pins, Pins, PinsÂ
L to R, clockwise: Obama Mama (Obama Buttons 2012/Etsy), Barack Obama Obey (AtellerBagatelle/Esty) (“an hommage to the Andre the Giant sticker/stencil campaign”), Pirates for Obama (ViaDella/Etsy), Hippies for Obama (TIG INC/Amazon), Kittens For Obama (Psychadelic Tara/Etsy), Alaskan Wildlife For Obama (Tiger Eye Design/Amazon), Hookers For Obama (Psychadelic Tara/Etsy), Baruch Obama (AtellerBagatelle/Etsy)
4. Hope on a Rope – $20 – (etsy/bubblegenius)
This soap-on-a-rope inspired item “smells like a breath of fresh air” because Obama “IS a breath of fresh air!” The thing is that I could never put Obama in my armpit.
5. Dog Sweater ($35) + Dog T-Shirt ($30)- (barackobama.com)
The funny thing about puppies is that you can train them to support Obama and if they wanna support Romney, they have to go outside.
6. Barack Obama Felt Finger Puppet – $12 – (etsy/mullishmuse)
“Here is Barack Obama ready to usher in his 2012 campaign with his new look ! Grey hair and darker blue tie! Get excited and order your felt buddy today.”
7. Obama Tailgate Pack – $65 – barackobama.com
I wish this said “grill baby grill” on it.
8. Michelle Obama Type Fragrance Oil $10 (Green Planet Organics/Etsy)
This is so when people come into your house and you’re burning your fragrance oil and they’re like, “ooo what smells so good?” you can be like, “Oh, it’s Michelle Obama.” There’s also Barack Obama fragrance oil, which represents “leadership, history and achievement.”
9. YO! Bama Pillow – $25 – Â (Reclaim LA/Etsy)
This fantastic pillow is inspired by Barack Obama and YO! MTV Raps. Sweet dreams guaranteed.
10. Barack Obama Dashboard Doll – $10.92 – (Amazon/KC)
If there’s anything better than Barack Obama being president, it’s Barack Obama playing the Ukelele. It’s like the new Hula Girl dashboard ornament.
11. Barack Obama Basketball – $69.95 (amazon/photo sportballs)
“A Well-Rounded President.” Get it? A ‘well-rounded’ president? On a round basketball?
12. Matryoshka – “a family of U.S. President Barack Obama, Michelle Robinson, Malia and Sasha. His wife and children of the president.” – $35 – (Brusesa/Etsy)
The best part about this is that the smallest wooden doll in the series represents the entire country of the United States. The second-best part is how well Sasha’s cuteness translates to all formats.
13. Obama Monkey – $45 – etsy/AngDavidson
This makes me want to get pregnant and give birth so that I can give this to my baby and take a cute picture of a baby with a monkey doll.
14. President Beerack Obama – $30 – honeydewstudio/etsy
“This funny little bumble bee ornament was created from polymer clay, and hand painted with acrylics. The paint has been reinforced with a glossy sealant. President Beerack Obama has wire antennas and fabric wings printed with Obama’s election logo. A loop in his back has been threaded with a yellow ribbon, so you can hang it anywhere you like. President Beerack Obama is approximately 2 inches long.”
There you have it. Alternately, you could just write “Obama” on your breasts with a Sharpie.
Beerack Obama, take my money!
I was drawn to this article exclusively because of the Boston Terrier, so when I saw this comment I had to scroll back up looking for something beer-related, like, oh I don’t know, a beer rack? (which I have never heard of because who drinks warm beer? but I was nevertheless curious about because who doesn’t love beer?) After my unsuccessful attempt to find a beer rack, I realized it was referring to the strange bee ornament. Quelle aventure.
I was going to link you to this article exclusively because of the Boston Terrier, but once again your skills at seeking them out exceed mine.
feel strongly that the smallest matroyshka should be the dog
Rachel – so with you on that one, pretty much disappointed it wasn’t
I really like the Obama “Made in the USA” coffee mug with a copy of his birth certificate on the back.
Also, I’m kind of considering buying that dashboard ornament.
During Obama’s visit to Ghana in 2009, I picked up two snazzy pairs of Obama underwear. By which I mean, totally non-Obama related boyshorts with “BARAK OBAMA” silkscreened on the ass. They are among my proudest possessions.
The Barack Obama Dashboard Doll has cankles. I feel like inaccurately portraying our President by giving him cankles is an act of treason . . .
Would just like to point out that Joe Biden doesn’t drink, so the can holder is delightfully ironic.
This is the point where I admit that I own an Obama Chia head..I’m not proud of this. It was a gift. But I was comforted when I learned that Michelle gave him one as well. My President has a sense of humor.
I am surprised that the Obama vibrator didn’t make it on the list. I saw it being sold on the streets of San Francisco… it was a bit unsettling.
Some of these make me a little uncomfortable. But I’d be lying if I didn’t say that I just bought the “Hippies for Obama” pin.
I want a sticker of this!
Though I’m not a supporter, I do believe that Yobama pillow is pretty baller.
creepy yet the urge to buy persists. Helen Killer would be proud of this article
I was given a “Choc-O-Bama”, a chocolate bust of POTUS — you can see a picture of it here: http://blogs.menupages.com/southflorida/2009/01/national_edible_obama.html
As I wasn’t sure of the legality of consuming Choc-O-Bama (no one wants to be thrown in jail for eating the president), he sits on my computer at work, staring across the room at a co-worker with strong Republican beliefs. Mysteriously, Choc-O-Bama has gotten whiter over time; he started off dark brown, but now is definitely a very milky chocolate colour. Fill in your own race-related punchline here.
stress and hair colour-related punchline more like
My grandmother has five different Obama themed display plates. They alternate in between the ones with black Jesus.
Oh and she has the cooking apron as well. She’s apart of the White House Cooking Recipes Team or something…
I don’t know. All I know is that she gets Obama White House Dinner Recipes in the mail.
Even has the magnet for it on the fridge.
She’s cute.
kinda totally love the Joe Biden beer cozy
I live in Hyde Park, where Obama’s house is. The Walgreens is basically an Obama theme park. A ton of stores have signs that say things like “Obama shopped here!” etc etc.
The running joke, of course, is that somewhere on the University campus there should be a bathroom with a sign saying “Obama sh*ts here”.
I need that Alexander Wang Obama sweatshirt. It’s a need not a want I swear.
I like the Hope on a Rope. I want to buy a bunch of them and hang them around my very-Republican-teacher’s class and have them stare her down.
I have discovered…..Obama sushi.
I love this country.
I wish the stubby holder had Obamas face all over it instead though
I’m surprised y’all don’t have the Obama blow up doll on there…Now that was a strange product. O_O